This tour departs from the Temescal Plaza shopping center (Walgreens) at 50th
Street and Telegraph Avenue. Allow about one hour to complete the tour.
1. Oakland Railroad car barn site
2. Gunnip’s Building
3. Former Bank of America / Swords Store site
4. Pedrini Store site
5. Bank of the West
6. Norris Store and dwelling
7. Cattaneo Block
8. Firehouse
9. Theater and hotel site
10. Temescal Branch Library
11. Lusk Cannery site
12. Colombo Club
13. Peralta adobe and house site
14. Marshall Steel Cleaners and Rollerland site
Click on the Walking Tour 1 button, below, for a printable PDF of this walking
tour. For a preview and map of Walking Tour 2, select Walking Tour 2 Preview.