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To continue to support the usefulness of the Temescal Over Time website as a community resource, we welcome your additions to its content. There are a variety of ways you can contribute to Temescal Over Time. Do you have cherished family photos that you want to make sure are continued to be appreciated? How about materials relating to your Temescal business, organization, school, church, social club, or block party? If so, we would love to discuss your ideas with you.
Another way you can participate is by adding to the Timeline. The Timeline, a feature of this website, by its very nature, is never complete. You can add to the knowledge of Temescal’s history (both its distant and recent past) by submitting relevant Timeline entries. Corrections to the Timeline are welcome as well. To submit a Timeline entry or correction, please complete the form below
You can contribute content and make Timeline entries and corrections by filling out the interest form below: