281 cars Results Upper Broadway Tunnel c1920Engine 8 Interior 1924Woodrow Wilson Junior High c1925Telegraph-51st c1925Old Tunnel c1925Upper Broadway Tunnel c1925College Ave 1930Grove at 38th St 1935NowThenSN depot 1938NowThen5436 Shattuck 1938Grove and 55th St-SE corner 1939NowThenSN-41st Shafter c1939NowThenSN-Shafter 45th 1939NowThen4536 Grove c1940NowThenSN freight Shafter c1940NowThenSN Car Sacramento c1940NowThen4202-6 Telegraph 1940NowThenSN Engine 653 c1940SN-40th Opal c1940NowThenSN-Shafter 42nd c1940NowThenSN No. 26-Shafter 1940NowThenSN No. 29 Shafter c1940NowThen483 43rd St 1941NowThenSN-Overturned Car 1941Car barn-Telegraph 19414900 block Telegraph 1941NowThenCar barn-Telegraph at 51st 1941Last SN Train 1941NowThen611 51st St 1943NowThenGrove and 55th St-NE corner 1944NowThen55th Grove 1944NowThenKey 40th Shafter c1945NowThenPiedmont and Linda c1945Car 914 Interior c1945C Train 40th Telegraph 1946C Train 40th Broadway 1946NowThenCar barn Telegraph 50th 19464521 Telegraph 1948NowThenShafter at College 1949NowThen3909 Shafter 1951NowThen400 45th St 1952NowThenC Train 40th Broadway 1953370 40th St 1954NowThen40th Street Cut 1954Shattuck and 54th St 1956NowThenKey 55th Vicente 19564334 Shafter 1957 2NowThen4334 Shafter 1957 1NowThen530-36 41st St 1957NowThen5600 Shattuck 1957NowThen5527 Shattuck 1962NowThenJohn F Kennedy Motorcade Approach 1962John F Kennedy Motorcade Arrival 1962NowThenJohn F Kennedy Passed 1962John F Kennedy on Telegraph 1962Grove and 47th St 1963NowThenBART Grove-47th St c1967NowThenBART Grove 51st c1967NowThenTemescal Creek at Cavour c1967Grove 43rd St c1967NowThenRockridge Center c1967Redondo Cavour c1967NowThenChurch at Rich St and 42nd c1967NowThenRich St and 42nd St c1967NowThen42nd and Rich St c1967Rich St c1967NowThenGrove-Shafter 1967Telegraph 43rd c1967NowThenTelegraph 46th St c1967NowThenTelegraph Alcatraz c1967Telegraph and Claremont c1967NowThenGrove-Shafter 52nd 1967Grove-Shafter 580 1968Grove-Shafter 52nd 1968Truck 8 Oakland Hills Fire 1991Station 8 1995Station 8 20014521 Telegraph 2014NowThen41st St north side 2014NowThenEmerson-49th St 2015NowThenTelegraph 40th 2009NowThen4419 Telegraph 1945NowThen4432-4434 Telegraph 1960NowThen4432-4434 Telegraph 1945NowThen4509-11-25 Shattuck 19514602 Grove 1959NowThen4701-9 Shattuck 1945NowThen4700 block of Telegraph 1956NowThen4901-03-05 Telegraph 1941NowThenTelegraph-51st c1992C Shift on Rafting Trip 2000Telegraph-51st 1941John F Kennedy on Shattuck 1962Bertola's 1951NowThenC Train 40th St cut 1946NowThenStreetcar Broadway-40th St 1946NowThenKey train Broadway-40th 1946NowThenBroadway and 42nd St 1943NowThenOakland Technical H.S. c1965NowThenGolden State Creamery 1931Last E Train-Claremont-1958Theater Demolition-inside front 1998Streetcar Grove-41st St 1940NowThenC train-40th and Grove 1954C Train 40th-Grove 1954Idora Park scenes c1920Telegraph 40th c1925NowThen40th and Market 1944NowThen40th and Market c1945NowThenC Train 40th and Market 1956Northern Police Station c1915NowThen957 42nd St 2018NowThenBroadway and 42nd St 2018NowThen40th St and Howe 2018NowThenMLK at 38th St 2018NowThenOakland Technical High School 2018NowThen41st and Piedmont Ave 2018NowThenParking lot 41st-Piedmont Ave 2018NowThenParking lot 40th and Piedmont Ave 2018NowThen40th and Howe 2018NowThenTelegraph and Woolsey 9-19-55Telegraph and Woolsey 8-18-55Telegraph and 32nd 9-20-55Telegraph and 36th 9-20-55Telegraph and 44th 1955NowThenTelegraph at 44th 1955NowThenTelegraph and 44th 2019NowThenTelegraph at 44th 2019NowThenTelegraph and 52nd 8-18-55Telegraph and 52nd 9-20-55Telegraph and 57th, 8-18-55Telegraph and 59th 11-15-55Telegraph and 59th 8-18-55Telegraph and 59th 9-19-55Telegraph at Apgar 9-20-55Telegraph and Apgar 9-20-55Claremont and Telegraph 9-16-55Claremont and Telegraph 8-18-55article-End Bridge Service 194140th and Opal c1944C Train 40th-Opal 1954C Train leaving Piedmont Station 1955NowThenC Train entering Piedmont Station 1955NowThenPiedmont Station 1938NowThenSacred Heart Church 2018NowThenSafeway-Claremont 1972Oakland Technical High School 1917Woodrow Wilson Jr High School 1926Woodrow Wilson Jr High School 1926Car 271-40th and Shafter c1946NowThenAvon-Shafter c1944NowThenKey System 40th Opal 1953NowThen4832 Shattuck c1940NowThenTelegraph 40th 1946NowThenTelegraph and 41st St c1967NowThenTelegraph 42nd St c1967NowThenTelegraph 41st c1967NowThenTelegraph-47th St 2014NowThenTelegraph-48th 1947NowThenTelegraph 55th c1947NowThenGrove-Shafter Aerial 5-17-66Telegraph 50th 1946NowThenAvon-Shafter 2014NowThen400 Avon St 2014NowThenTemescal Creek at Cavour 2014NowThenClaremont and Clifton 2014NowThenSN Depot c1915NowThenModel T c19184180 Opal c1940NowThen490 43rd St 1941NowThen4114-16-18 Opal 1943NowThen4821 Webster 19515635 Shattuck c1957NowThen46th St at Grove c1967NowThenBART Grove-52nd St c19675008 Telegraph 1997NowThen40th and Opal 2005NowThenDevelopment-Telegraph at 47th St 2018NowThenKingfish 2007NowThen49th and Shattuck 2008 1Telegraph and Claremont 2008NowThen370 40th St 2014NowThen40th Broadway 2014NowThen444-442 43rd St 2014NowThen43rd St-south side 2014NowThen4536 MLK 2014NowThen4602 MLK 2014NowThen4629 MLK 2014NowThen46th St at MLK 2014NowThen4705 Shattuck 2014NowThen4793-97-99 Telegraph 2014NowThen4901-03-05 Telegraph 2014NowThen4935 Shattuck 2014NowThen5110 Telegraph 2014NowThenMLK and 53rd St-NE corner 2014NowThen5509 Shattuck 2014NowThen5600 Shattuck 2014NowThen4180 Opal 2014NowThenTelegraph 43rd 2014NowThenMLK and 47th St 2014NowThenBART MLK-47th St 2014NowThenBART MLK-52nd St 2014MLK-west side 5300 block 2014NowThenShattuck and 49th St 2014NowThenPG&E Substation D 2014NowThenTemescal Substation D 2014NowThenShattuck at 5ist St 2014NowThenShattuck and 54th St 2014NowThenChurch-42nd and Rich St 2014NowThenTelegraph and 49th St 2014NowThen4900 block Telegraph 2014NowThenTelegraph-56th 2014NowThenTelegraph-60th 2014NowThenMcDonald's 2015NowThenVacant lot Telegraph-51st St 2015NowThenEmerson playground 2015NowThenTelegraph-48th 2015NowThenShafter 40th 2017NowThen40th Shafter 2017NowThenShafter toward 40th 2017NowThenShafter and 40th 2017NowThen447 Rich St 2017NowThen483 43rd St 2017NowThenRich St and 42nd St 2017NowThenTelegraph and 47th St 2017NowThenMLK-41st St 2018NowThen406-8 49th St 2018Broadway-40th 2018NowThen40th and Broadway 2018NowThen40th-Broadway 2018NowThen40th-Market 2018NowThen40th and Market 2018NowThen40th-MLK 2018NowThen40th and MLK 2018NowThen40th and Shafter 2018NowThen4110-14-16-18-26 Opal 2018NowThen4114-16-18 Opal 2018NowThen412-418 48th St 2018NowThen41st-Shafter 2018NowThenLinden and 46th 2018NowThen5110 Telegraph 2018NowThenDevelopment site Telegraph-51st St 2018NowThen5168-66 Miles 2018NowThenShafter 51st 2018NowThen5239 Claremont Ave 2018NowThen5527 Shattuck 2018NowThen55th MLK 2018NowThen611 51st St 2018NowThenMiles and Cavour 2018NowThenShafter and 50th St 2018NowThenTelegraph-47th St 1972NowThenTelegraph-47th c1952NowThen412-418 48th St 1972NowThen5153 Shafter 2014NowThen530-36 41st St 2014NowThen51st-Shafter 197240th Opal 2014NowThen40th and Broadway aerial 1958Kit Baxter-VW 1955Baxters-VW 1955NowThenDMV 1972NowThenDMV 2014NowThenInternational High School 2015NowThen400 Avon St c1942NowThen40th at Shafter 2014NowThen40th St at Shafter 2014NowThenSN collision c1942 1SN collision c1942 2Studio One aerial c2005Western Car Barn 1946Hose on Glendale c2000Bilger Quarry 1910Katherine and William Kerrigan c1915SN-Shafter and 41st 1954SN 41st-Shafter 1954NowThenSN Depot-Shafter and 40th 1954NowThenSN shops c1950SN depot 40th-Shafter 1936SN car barn c1950SN 41st Shafter 1948Woodrow Barons 1953